Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Jesus said: This sky will cease to be, and the sky above it will cease to be. Saying 11a. The Gospel of Thomas 

"The sky is the limit." We see no further than the sky in our ordinary consciousness, even though there is a sky beyond that. This first sky, this limitation of ordinary consciousness can cease to be even now. This is part of what is meant by "dying before you die." Have we considered that ordinary consciousness is death? And that dying to ordinary consciousness is life? When we see beyond this first sky, we are no longer entrapped by it.

The sky above it, which will also cease to be, is the limitation of our spiritual insight. All bounds are removed and our spiritual insight is unlimited, ever increasing. We know no bounds, are boundless. We are a circle with no circumference, a sphere with no surface.

Can you handle it or will you cling to your tight little virginal consciousness?


  1. both, one foot in each space

  2. Anonymous 6:03 a.m. I am finding that increasingly not possible.

  3. George, I love this analogy. Thank you for making it clear. I would never have made the connection. This thin layer of atmosphere, which is real but nevertheless a veil, appears to us tobe the outskirts of the universe. But this world will end for us all, and a greater depth will appear. This image of boundless space with countless stars possesses the element of vastness and awe that can instill wonder and reverence on the one hand or anxiety and terror on the other. Merci.
