Friday, June 29, 2012

energy vampires

Therefore I say: If a householder knows a thief is coming, he will keep watch and not let him break into his house (of his kingdom) and steal his goods. You must keep watch against the world, preparing yourselves with power so that thieves will not find any way to come upon you. Sayings 21 b, c. The Gospel of Thomas.

Energy vampires exist. They exist in both human and in non-visible form. Spiritual energy can and will be sucked from you, your goods stolen. Keep watch and know when this is about to happen or is happening.

An energy vampire will often come in benign form in order to get close. What seems a natural progression will end in your depletion, your being sucked dry, left with a wounded feeling of discomfort and shock.

You must rouse your awareness of the situation and "prepare yourself with power," settling into your spiritual core and not allowing it to happen again.

This takes firm resolution.


  1. Thank you for this, George. It is exactly what I need to hear today. I am letting go of a long-term relationship with someone that you are describing here exactly. It has been a difficult goodbye.

  2. hi anonymous. blessings with cutting of the chord (earthly and etheric).
    i like how brother, geo, adds the non-physical dimension to this. thought-forms floating out there from which we protect ourselves and each other by opening and becoming light. also guard our own self-created thought-forms from subconscious realms that emerge, then feed on similar thought forms. . . reverberating like parallel strands in sympathetic vibration.

    cutting chords and growing the hara stronger in alignment.

    the passage from brother tom (thomas) is well received.
