Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Saying 62b, The Gospel of Thomas.

The left hand is known as the sinister hand. Sinister has the dual meaning of both "left" and "suggesting or threatening evil." This understanding of the left hand is, of course, a spiritual or essential (essence-ial) understanding and has nothing to do with whether or not one is left-handed.

We do not share our spiritual understandings with our realm of darkness. This is fruitless. We do not try to convert our darkness to light by focusing on the darkness. We sit, stand, walk, and breathe in the light and doing so allows more light.

Attention directs energy. When we attend to the left hand, we energize the left hand. Each of us is an individual world. If we wish our world to be light, we live in the light, become the light. This is the light "that shines in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not." And the darkness never will. So give it up. Up! Where light is.

We are light beings and we are to nurture our light.

In this way, the world is transformed.


  1. This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine

  2. May we each be dexterous.

  3. I was just explaining to a group today that willfully becoming ambidextrous will help train their brain to accept both intuitive AND intellectual concepts together, allowing them to gain insights they have not had before. "Enlightenment" and such. Such a waste to only utilize 1/2 the body and brain when the soul benefits from the whole... :-)
