Friday, June 15, 2012

multiple personality disorder

When you were one, you became two. When you become two, what will you do? Saying 11d, The Gospel of Thomas.

We suffer from multiple personality disorder -- every one of us. We were born as one, as a oneness. We had been floating in amniotic fluid with every wish fulfilled instantly. Then we entered the world of differentiation, of discrimination. We became two.

Though it may seem as if the entire galloping horde of our many selves descend upon us at once, we really deal with only two at a time: this and that, here and there, me and you, us and them. We have even divided the world into the spiritual and the physical. No separation exists, but we have made it so.

What will we do now that we have become two? When two, we are quite insane. This splitness is evident in the civilization we have built, one that is unsustainable.

The answer to Jesus' question is simple. We can "let the light of our eye be single," opening to the awareness that we are inseparable from the Interflow, from the vast interconnecting and everchanging Sphere of Being (a sphere with no bounds). In that case, we are always already home, safe, sound, secure, everchanging, and adventuring. Or we can continue birthing our insanity.

What will we do?


  1. Splendid commentary George

  2. This is amazing to me how you write from the Gospels and apply it to todays world, our world the splitting of the one.
    So your question makes me want to reply by saying "We will become one with everything." Because everything is from our source, the one.
    I love my Source!
    Luv you too Dear George! (((Big Virtual Hug)))
    Thank you so very much!
    Kathy :-)

  3. Perhaps another question arising from this Saying is: "When you become two, how can you be?" When two, we're carried off by the winds of the opposites; this is pathos, happenstance--things 'happen' to us and we're always 'becoming.' As two, tossed about, hither and yon, what can we 'do?' How can we 'do?' "The way to do is to be." (Lao Tzu) and we be by "let[ting] the light of our eye be single."

    Thank you, George.

