Wednesday, June 27, 2012

the living one

Jesus said: Look at the living one while you live, for if you die and then try to see him you will not be able to do so. Saying 59, The Gospel of Thomas.

This human existence is a place of transition, an opportunity for transformation. To be born a human is a precious occurrence. The odds are small. Mister Buddha said it was about the same odds as a sea turtle in a boundless ocean surfacing once every gazillion years and its head popping into the hole of a single floating log on the entirety of the sea's surface. We have to look at the living one while we are in the flesh. This moment now is our opportunity. Who is the living one? Look and you will see.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy your short comments based on the Gospel of Thomas.
    Hope you continue at least until your next birthday.
