Saturday, June 30, 2012


And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretations of these sayings will not taste death." Saying 1, The Gospel of Thomas.

Why is that so? To understand these sayings, one's consciousness must shift. The place from which they can be understood is the place of Spirit, of the eternal Lifeforce, that which breathes us, out of which we are.

To understand these sayings we must shift awareness to a non-death place. We drop all social roles, all social fictions, all of our favored illusions and preoccupations. We stand naked and empty and open.

Though our body is still here, we have already died, already "passed over." We continue surrendering, letting go. We are in the world, but not of the world. These sayings are spoken from Deep Reality.

To understand them, we move into those depths. Our consciousness becomes the same Consciousness from which they are spoken. We are resurrected before we die.

"On the banks of the Jordan, Yeshua manifested the Presence of a realm that existed before all things." -- The Gospel of Philip

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