Saturday, July 28, 2012

split and lift

Split wood, I am there. Lift up a rock, you will find me there. Saying 77b, The Gospel of Thomas.

Jesus, as we all are, is an embodying of the life force, of the sacrificial outbreathing that births all that is. Not all of us are aware that we are personifications of the life force, but Jesus was. Thus, he could make this statement.

The cosmos is a vibrational flow of energy assuming many forms. The forms you see depend primarily on your perception: what you have been taught to see and what you allow yourself to see. The universe you are "in" is you looking back at you.

The great I Am is everywhere.


  1. A breath of fresh air brings me back into being. I inhale and send it on its way.

    Thanks George. This meant a lot to me.
