Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Jesus said: Woe to the flesh dependent on the soul; woe to the soul dependent on the flesh. Saying 112, The Gospel of Thomas.

Some no longer believe in soul, which is sadly humorous because the soul (essence of who we are) is that which is disbelieving.

The soul and body are independent of each other. The body is like a nest from which the soul must take flight. The body is a base of operation for soul. As an extension of soul, the body will not get everything it wants.

The body is a manifestation of soul. Woe to the soul that allows its manifestation to rule. We embody willingly to make a difference in this universe. The energy of the soul radiates through the body and makes itself known, makes a felt difference.

Want to see someone's soul? Look in their eyes. The eyes are the windows to the soul.


  1. hmmm.
    brother, geo, thanks for break-feast of expression to begin da day.

  2. success is, to me, the body/mind and the soul, working together for the common good of all. inter-dependent - Naima

  3. This body-soul binary system reminds me of one of Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion: like the celestial pair revolving around their common center of mass, the body-soul pair inter-whirls around their Source ("...and people aren't aware of it." Saying 113, The Gospel of Thomas).

