Friday, July 27, 2012


Jesus said: Once there was a rich man who had lots of money, and he said, "I will invest my money so that I can sow, reap, plant, and fill up my silos with crops so that I won't lack anything." So he thought, but that night he died. He who has ears, let him hear. Saying 63, The Gospel of Thomas.

Not only is this a reminder that "life is what happens when we are making other plans" and that materialistic pursuits are like clothing a corpse with riches and that no security exists but in the ephemeral, it is also a warning to those of us who amass spiritual wealth so as to ensure our place in the heavens, our resting place of comfort in the hereafter. It doesn't work that way. Our trust is put in the development of our own holosphere, a cosmic tomb. Give it all away all the time and you will receive. And we can't do it for that reason either.


  1. this reminds me of Mother Teresa and her practice of charity - they never store donations and are always receptive to incoming good, their practice of faith.

  2. This shook me a bit, George. It was a different approach than I anticipated when I started reading it. Is this a matter of "Being is its own reward" and pursuits for any other reason are just another way of getting dragged back into an ego driven mission under a different name; a wolf in messiah's clothing, so to speak?
