Sunday, July 15, 2012

james the just

His disciples said to Jesus: We know you will leave us. Who will be our leader then? Jesus responded: Wherever you are, turn to Jacob (James) the Just, for whose sake the sky and the earth came into being. Saying 12, The Gospel of Thomas.

Humans need a physical leader, one embodied in the flesh, one who shares their worldly situation. When Jesus was physically gone, what were his followers, his students, to do? Who could ever take the place of Jesus?

Jesus had a ready answer. He did not speak of the forthcoming Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, as their inner guide. He did not foretell the leadership of Paul, a latecomer to the movement. He named his brother James, whose spirit was evidently in tune with Jesus' spirit ("for whose sake the sky and the earth came into being").

Evidently, James led very well. His ongoing capability as a leader was acknowledged and certified in his becoming the first bishop of Jerusalem.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting revelation for me. I would have thought the answer was Peter. I love the Gospel of Thomas. Thanks for continuing to reveal it to us. (I have my own copy, but your insights are opening to say the least.)
