Friday, July 6, 2012

no clinging

Jesus said: If you have some money, don't lend it out at interest but give it to someone who will not return it to you. Saying 95, The Gospel of Thomas.

Security does not exist in this world. The piling up of money and the strenuous efforts to use money to make money remind one of the hungry ghosts with long narrow skinny throats connecting a gaping cavernous mouth with a bloated perpetually dissatisfied belly. No matter how much is shoveled in the mouth, the belly cannot be appeased.

Paradoxically, security does not come from grasping and clinging. Security comes from giving everything away. Continuously. No clinging! We are not talking about just the electronic blips in our accounts nor the tough pieces of paper with no nutritional value. We are talking about an attitude of our heart.

We are talking about our gifts, the talents we have been given (no charge) and which we give to others in turn. Like free-flowing rivers of pure energy, we give our gifts expecting nothing in return. Otherwise, we become inturned ponds of stagnation. Freely we receive and freely give.

1 comment:

  1. Amen George - it has taken me a lifetime to realize this basic principle of abundant living! I learned the clinging, the saving, the watching were means to wealth & maybe they are in the physical plane, but understanding this with awareness brings freedom.
