Monday, August 27, 2012

the tall hill

Jesus said: A city built and fortified atop a tall hill cannot be taken, nor can it be hidden. Saying 32, The Gospel of Thomas.

In-spire means to breathe in. Expire means to breathe out. To aspire means to look to become the highest breath possible. Spiritual (spire-itual) aspiration is a doubly reinforced concentration on opening to the Highest Breath and Its Breathing.

As we become more stable (e-stabl-ished) there, build and fortify our city there, we cannot be taken down by anyone or any force. Nor can the Light that shines from that Breathing be hidden.

Our treasures (all that we value) are "laid up in Heaven."


  1. Love this offering, George...thank you! The extra bonus is how you play with the words and give them deeper understanding. You have such a gift for delight-full! ♥ Cathy
