Tuesday, August 21, 2012

the dead and the living

The dead do not live, and the living do not die. Saying 11b, The Gospel of Thomas.

While living only to satisfy the eight holes of the body, we are spiritually dead. Our consciousness is creature consciousness. When we do not live in accord with the flow of the life force that is forever birthing us, we are energetically dead. We have a felt sense of separation that puffs and snorts with disconsolate emotion and false inflation.

Those who recognize their identity with this eternal birthing never die. Lao Tzu put it this way: "Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force: they feel no wear, they feel no tear, they need no mending, no repair." We are the embodying of the life force, of the outbreathing of the spirit which never dies. The deep awareness of this is the second and true birth.

1 comment:

  1. Quite an aspiration, I'd say. Thanks, George, for the daily reminders of who we are. SF
