Wednesday, August 22, 2012

the harvesting of awareness

After the grain had ripened, he quickly came, carrying his sickle, and he harvested it. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. Sayings 21e, 21 f, The Gospel of Thomas.

As our consciousness begins to mature, to open, an answering response comes from our Source. The response is quick, immediate. Our expansion of awareness is not wasted, but is harvested, received with great joy.

Our awareness is matched in kind. As our capacity to understand (our ears) expands, we are given more capaciousness. We can hear more. This process is unending.

Attention is our tool and method here. What we attend to, we become. As our attention turns to our Source, we become more and more like our Source.

1 comment:

  1. what we attend to is what we become
    nice point
    nice re-mind-her, geo.
