Saturday, August 11, 2012

blessed poorness

Jesus said: Blessed are the poor, for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven. Saying 54, The Gospel of Thomas. 

In the material realm, poor means one does not have much in the way of worldly sustenance. In the realm of spirit, poor means one is not attached to anything. One acts without attachment to the action or to the fruit of the action. One loves without attachment. (If there is attachment, this is not love, but a selfish clinging.)

One is poor, stripped of all clothing of psychological and spiritual identity.One gains entry into the Kingdom of Heaven by gaining nothing and losing everything. Now one has gained everything and lost nothing.

The Kingdom of Heaven is a state of consciousness which is eternal.


  1. I don't have a problem with your commentary, George. I just wonder why so many struggle with Jesus's use of "poor" (or the translation thereof). Why can't he simply have meant impoverished or destitute?

    I remember listening to a priest struggle in his homily one Sunday while a very affluent, urban congregation listened intently to him sidestep this issue ... surely Jesus couldn't really have a problem with rich people, could he? He must have meant something rather than "poor" as we usually understand the word, didn't he?

    We don't jump through these same hoops with the other Beatitudes. We don't substitute other words for "meek" or "peacemaker" or "merciful." Indeed Matthew does broaden it a bit (in some translations) to "poor in spirit," but Luke is pretty clear in referring to lack of wealth.

    I realize this is a large topic that's been discussed and debated for nearly 2,000 years and is frequently a tough pill for rich Christians to swallow, especially in a capitalist economic system.

  2. I hadn't thought about 'poor' meaning non-attachment...that makes so much sense. Thanks for enlightening this passage for me, George! ♥ Cathy

  3. oh this rings a bell for me - this weekend I felt overwhelmed by the "stuff" of life, having moved last year, still sorting & settling in, and so very grateful for my material needs being met.
    realizing with the mild frustration of "things to do" or clean, etc, that my life can be easily consumed by these activities. then my focus is not on Spirit, not on the consciousness of heaven here. my daily practice is becoming: doing without attachment to the outcome - it's a balancing act some days & effortless on others. blessings!
