Thursday, May 17, 2012

the telling of the mysteries

Jesus said: I tell my mysteries to people worthy of my mysteries. Saying 62a, The Gospel of Thomas.

What are the mysteries? Who is worthy to be told them? Even if they are told, as Jesus frequently did and continues to do so, only "those who have ears" can hear. When we are full of ourselves, we cannot hear -- full of emotion, full of intellectual chitter-chatter. One has to be silent to listen, to open in contemplation. Con-templum-ation: to sit quietly in the templum, the clear and open space for divining, for opening to the divine. Clear, open, capacious, expectant, attentive: one is worthy.

Worthiness comes too from tiring of abiding by social constructions of reality. One would rather listen to what the blood is singing, the heart is radiating, the Tao is Taoing. One is ready to listen to the great pulsations of the planet, the galaxies, the universe, the cosmos than the daily news. Whatever one attends to, one becomes. One makes oneself worthy, prepares an open space for the telling of the mysteries. They will be told.


  1. I love your explanation of 'worthiness'...more to do with 'readiness' and open-ness, rather than value. Nice...

    Thank you, George! ♥ Cathy

  2. The Word as metaphor ever hearing/singing the harmony of the spheres. That thou art.


  3. May we each and always remain open and prepare an open space within for the receiving of the mystery teachings. Thank you, George.
    ♥ Carla
