Friday, April 20, 2012

the born and the Unborn

Jesus said: When you see someone not born from a woman, prostrate yourselves and worship him; he is your Father. Saying 15, The Gospel of Thomas.

The surface part of ourselves, the part that makes contact with the world and in some sense IS the world, is the aspect of ourselves "born from a woman." This is the character, the personality we are, the persona that builds, that accretes, since physical birth. This is the froth on the wave of the ocean.

We can look inside and see "someone not born of a woman," the energetic and energizing flow of the Wellspring Itself. This is our Source, our Father. The woman-born flat-lines (prostrates itself) at such sight. The woman-born (born of water, the amniotic fluid) gives way to the spirit-born, the life force born.

One is born again. Both births are essential, of the Essence. One is the Unborn borning.


  1. Why do we need a source/Source? Or to be from or flow of or from a Wellspring? Or to have an origin? Or to have a Big Bang that started it all. What is the source of this thinking?
    I think we just are.
    Are we not ourselves the energy, the father, the mother, sometimes manifesting as "born from a woman", having both flesh and spirit, different parts of one. As we are now, is where we are in the flow of all, the continuous cycle. Each stage stemming from the last, evolving to the next, one snapshot/particle of the wave. Born = Evolve; Borning = Evolving
    Prostrate and worship all, for all is divine; all is love.

  2. Susan, exactly. We are not to confuse the finger that is pointing (words) with that at which it points. Source, Wellspring, Big Bang (or Slow Motion Orgasm), Just Are, Divine, Love -- all are words, metaphor.

  3. one being with the father, through him all things were made.

    geo, this comes to mind. yes, words, yet one-ness. not to be confused as gender. father is also a verb, is it not? yet, the words are somehow indescript.

    i like the bubbling spring. . . words as a visual descriptor.

    and the blog site, too.

  4. I'm reminded of multiple dew drops (condensations) through which a single Sun shines, as the one Father is (seen through) the many "not born from a woman."


  5. That which can not be named. One needs names to learn what can not be named. Ron
