Wednesday, September 5, 2012

nobody in the well

He said: Master, there are many around the drinking barrel, but there is nobody in the well. Saying 74, The Gospel of Thomas.

The spirit of this age consists both of inertia/stupor (we wish to make no move except to our next entertainment) and frenetic activity on the horizontal plane. Though we know we need to descend into our spiritual depths, we are hesitant, unwilling to do so.

We continue to oscillate between stupor and restless activity, half-hoping that someone else will bring us spiritual water to drink, water that impels us to go beyond the rigid bounds that mummify us in our self-created tomb of desiccation.

We must go into the Well ourselves, stop standing around the drinking barrel and take the leap. No one else can do it for us and Now is the only time there is.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


You too should seek for long-lasting treasures that do not decay, where moths do not come to eat them or grubs to destroy them. Saying 76b, The Gospel of Thomas.

We are continuously inhaling from and exhaling into the Divine. We are being breathed, though we ignore this great treasure, preferring instead to scamper around in our latest escapades and incessant melodrama.

We will have a final exhalation. We are to follow this last breathing out, this final exhale to the place and treasure of the Mystery that breathes us. We are not to identify with the breathing animal we are, as magnificent and wondrous as it is, but breathe in from and out into the eternal Halation (hale: hearty, whole, holy), That which breathes all.

We are this breathing. We are the rhythmic tide of the Divine. Jesus brings us and wishes us good tidings.